February 11th, 2012 @ 7:45 pm by Robert Phoenix
Linsane in the membrane.
The universe has a wicked sense of humor. The New York Nephillim, I mean Giants, barely had a chance to shine in the glow of the Super Bowl’s lesser light when some Taiwanese-American kid with a crew cut, who by the way, also happens to be a Tim Tebowesque Christian, has taken New York by storm and somehow managed to eclipse the Giant achievement. Yes, I’m talking about Jeremy Lin.
宇宙有個惡趣味的幽默;紐約懼人,呃我是說巨人幾乎沒時間好好享受贏超級盃的滋味,因為這位平頭台裔美籍小子,剛好也像Tim Tebow一樣是基督徒,如風暴一般席捲紐約,把巨人隊奪冠的光環完全掩蓋。是的,我就是在說林書豪。
If you don’t know who Jeremy Lin is, I guarantee that if he keeps playing the way he has been, you will.
Let’s get the key astro stuff out of the way, do a little back story, then drill down.
Lin was born on
He plays for the New York Knicks, who with three of the highest paid players in the league (Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire and Tyson Chandler) for lack of a better term, sucked. Anthony, who never cared more about his own shot than anything else epitomized the Knicks failure. All his prodigious talent and salary was not translating into wins. When the ball got to Anthony, it usually ended there.
The Knicks were sagging and coach Mike D’antoni was rumored to be on the hot seat, weeks, maybe days from losing his job. Then the high strangeness kicked in. Amare Stoudemire’s brother was shot and killed. He had to leave the team. Anthony goes down with an injury. The two Knicks point guards, Iman Shumpert and Tony Douglas were highly ineffective. D’antoni looked at the end of the bench and saw the Asian kid with the crew cut, who had been whacked by two teams already this season and like D’antoni was hanging by a thread as a Knick. D’antoni called Lin’s number and made him the starting point guard. Four games later, the Knicks have not lost and Jeremy Lin has set records that have launched him into the elite status of NBA superstars.
In his last four games, he’s scored, 25, 28, 23 and last night, he outscored the great Kobe Bryant with 38 points. They’re calling it “Linsanity.” His quantum leap into the limelight is making everyone ask the following question; “Just who the hell is Jeremy Lin”?
四場比賽他分別得25、28、23與昨晚的38分,技壓Kobe Bryant。他們說這是”林來瘋",突然躍上檯面的他讓大家問以下的問題:「到底誰是林書豪?」。
From an astrological perspective, his game is modeled on his 0 degree Virgo Sun. He hustles. He’s fundamentally sound. He makes other players better. He does the dirty things like take charges. All things that you would expect from someone channeling pure Virgo. As I mentioned before, as a result, he is standing out (outstanding) against the scrim of
As we detox from the Super Bowl, we can see that there was a real Neptunian vortex over
Well the fairy dust had hardly settled when Jeremy Lin had somehow magically transformed into the Taiwanese version of Larry Bird. Instead of going on and on about Eli and the Annuaki, I mean the Giants, New Yorkers could not stop talking about a kid who is sleeping on his brother’s couch in the lower East Side. Did I mention that he’s a Jesus loving, testifying Christian? I love this stuff.
夢幻金粉還散佈在空中時,林書豪神奇地變成台灣版的Larry Bird。紐約客不是討論距人,呃我是說巨人,而是在談林書豪睡在他哥位於下東區的沙發。我提過他是主耶穌崇拜者嗎?信徒見證?我愛死這東西了。
Anyway, anytime you get a natal Sun at 0 degrees, and I don’t care what sign its in, the energy is present, potent and radiant. The most distilled aspects of the Sun are amplified–no matter what sign–even a Virgo can be a star.
I can’t get Lin’s birth time, but it looks like he has an early Cap Moon, so we know he can be cool under pressure and able to handle the hype and heat of the Big Apple. An early degree Cap Moon likely means Sun/Moon Earth trine. Lin has shown amazing body control and a real sense of fearlessness going up against the best players in the world. The Sun/Moon Earth trine is kinesthetic body knowledge and fluidity resulting in intuitive spatial awareness. This kid has it.
Transiting Pluto is conjunct his natal
Dropping down a little further, he has a fascinating conjunction with Saturn and Uranus in Sag (25/27 degrees). I know the 25th degree intimately since that is where my Jupiter sits and the Sabian Symbol for it is quite appropriate for Lin; A Flag Bearer In Battle. This speaks to Lin’s fearlessness and picking up the flag for a flagging franchise. Sag is the sign of athletes and normally, Saturn/Uranus create a bit of a grind (think foot on brake and gas simultaneously) but when aligned in the right direction, especially under the galloping rhythms of Sag, it can be a type of controlled explosiveness.
Lin must also also be feeling Uranus in Aries as well, since his Mars is in the sign of the ram at 11 degrees. With Uranus at 2 degrees now, Lin’s dynamism is set to peak in June and July of this year when Uranus hits 8 degrees and Jupiter reaches 4 degrees in Gemini, conjuncting his natal Jupiter exactly. Can you say NBA playoffs?
While it’s going to be extremely difficult for him to maintain this torrid, record setting pace, Jeremy Lin, is not a fluke. However, with both western and eastern stars aligning for him, 2012 will be his greatest year as a professional basketball player.
Its a true pygmalion story. He’s a Taiwanese-American kid that was passed over by Stanford, a school just blocks away from his house. Instead, he played at Harvard. He was cut by the Warriors (his hometown pro team) and the Rockets and now, well, he’s managed to rip a chapter out of the book of Eli. Yes, he’s displaced Manning as
God, I just love the cosmic irony of these strange days.
Better get used to it.
In the video below, you’ll see the “Kobe System” which is chocked full of more illuminist symbols and Luciferian superstars like Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins and Kanye West. Keep in mind that Jeremy Lin outscored Kobe Bryant last night.
下面的影片你會看到“Kobe體系”的廣告,裡面都是些具啟發性的主角與魯西法式的超級巨星,像Richard Branson、Anthony Robbins和Kanye West。請記住林書豪昨晚得分比Kobe Bryant高。