People have been noticing this for a very long time. Since Nadal was 19. But the officials have never had the guts to do anything about it. Nadal, Djokovic and a number of others can continue making a mockery of the rules. I always thought that if Roddick had been the dominant player of this era instead of Roger, the likes of Nadal would have struggled to be that slow on the court. Roddick would have simply gotten to the line in 10 seconds and waited and looked at the umpire on every point and sooner rather than later, the official would be compelled to act. Roger is too nice to make a big deal out of this and instead tells himself to adapt and keep his focus. Roddick simply did not get any real opportunities to play Nadal when he himself was a top 3 player. I remember Ljubicic once commenting after he lost to Nadal in 2005 French Open saying that the amount of time Nadal took between points was ridiculous. People have been talking about it all along but it is all just talk.
早從 Nadal 十九歲大家就已經注意到這件事了(發球拖時間)。但官方從沒有魄力來採取相關作為。Nadal, Djokovic 跟其他幾位可以繼續嘲笑規則沒關係。我總是幻想如果之前是 Roddick 的時代而非 Roger 的,像 Nadal 這種拖時間的選手就不會在場上膽敢這樣慢條斯理來發球。Roddick 十秒內就會回到底線等發球,然後會每分都盯著主審看,遲早官方會被迫採取行動。Roger 就是人太好才沒對這種事大驚小怪,他反而告訴自己要去適應、保持專注。Roddick 在前三時根本沒啥機會跟 Nadal 對上。我記得 Ljubicic 05年法網輸給 Nadal 後曾經說過 Nadal 分與分之間所花的時間實在多到荒繆。大家講這件事講很久了,不過就也只是講講。